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Rekomendasi Game Terbaik

Kamu Gamers? Jangan ngaku gamers kalo belum punya game wajib untuk para gamer berikut ini :D Yak, kali ini saya akan mensharing beberapa rekomendasi game game yang harus kamu coba mainkan Langsung aja kita liat daftar beserta deskripsi gamenya Kalo link downloadnya bisa langsung cari disini : xD


Hay hay sobat pecinta film Hollywood, dari sekian banyaknya film film Hollywood yang keluar dari setiap tahun, pasti sobat sobat sekalian pada bingung bukan mau download film apa yang bagus? :D Kali ini saya sudah menyiapkan beberapa rekomendasi film yang sudah saya tonton beserta link downloadnya juga loh ! :D Mulai dari film film lama hingga yang terbaru sebisa mungkin akan saya rangkum disini Udah, gak usah basa basi lagi dah :D Langsung aja di lihat, dan di download yang menurut agan bagus

Gamers Tercantik di Dunia

Gamers. . Siapa bilang gamers itu cuman laki laki doang Ternyata di dunia ini banyak gamers gamers perempuan Bahkan tak sedikit gamers perempuan yang cantik cantik :D Ya, dalam artikel kali ini saya akan membahas tentang para gamers perempuan tercantik di dunia :O Berikut Ulasannya :D


Halo sobat sobat gamer maniak :D Dari sekian banyak game pc banyak game game yang menarik baik itu online maupun offline seperti Dota 2, Dragon Nest, Need For Speed, dll. Tapi seringkali kita merasa keberatan dengan besaran game game tsb karena kuota internet yang tidak menyanggupi xD Tapi tenang sobat, sekarang sudah banyak game game yang di compressed dari ukuran game yang semula 500mb, di compress hingga 100mb atau lebih kecil lagi :D

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Wednesday, August 26, 2015


Rekomendasi Game Terbaik

Kamu Gamers?
Jangan ngaku gamers kalo belum punya game wajib untuk para gamer berikut ini :D
Yak, kali ini saya akan mensharing beberapa rekomendasi game game yang harus kamu coba mainkan
Langsung aja kita liat daftar beserta deskripsi gamenya
Kalo link downloadnya bisa langsung cari disini : xD

*Note : Klik Link di nama gamenya untuk melihat deskripsinya

Mungkin untuk saat ini hanya sampai segitu dulu aja :D
Sebenarnya masih banyak sih game game yang bagus lainnya, nanti kalau ada kesempatan bakal saya update lagi dah :D
Oke, terima kasih udah mampir ke blog saya, silahkan kalau mau dilihat lihat artikel lainnya xD



Yak, halo agan agan anime lover sekalian kali ini saya akan shared beberapa anime beserta link untuk mendownload videonya :D

Kali ini saya akan mensharing beberapa anime keluaran summer 2014, Winter 2014, dan Yang terupdate

Langsung saja klik link downloadnya, disitu ada deskripsi tentang animenya beserta link download dan jumlah episodenya :D

Judul Anime
Summer 2014
Link Download
Rail Wars
Akame Ga Kill
Action, Advanture, Fantasy
Klik Disini !
Aldnoah Zero
Action, Mecha, Sci-Fi
Klik Disini !



Halo sobat sobat gamer maniak :D
Dari sekian banyak game pc banyak game game yang menarik baik itu online maupun offline seperti Dota 2, Dragon Nest, Need For Speed, dll.
Tapi seringkali kita merasa keberatan dengan besaran game game tsb karena kuota internet yang tidak menyanggupi  xD
Tapi tenang sobat, sekarang sudah banyak game game yang di compressed dari ukuran game yang semula 500mb, di compress hingga 100mb atau lebih kecil lagi :D
Yang pasti game game tsb tidak kalah menarik dengan game game popular lainnya.
Langsung aja nih gan ane kasih daftar beserta link downloadnya :D
Cekidottt! :D

  1. 25 to Life PC (488mb)
  2. 18 Wheels Of Steel Haulin (108mb)
  3. 3D HUNTING (543mb)
  4. 3D Ultra Minigolf Adventures (46mb) 
  5. 3D Pool Billiards and Snooker (475mb)
  6. 3D Airstrike 2 Gulf Thunder (21mb)
  7. 18 Wheels of Steel Extreme Trucker (253mb)

  1. Age of Empires (57mb)
  2. Army Men (180mb)
  3. AssaultCube (42mb)
  4. Armageddon Riders (230mb)
  5. Angry Birds star wars 2 Terbaru (65mb)
  6. Age of Empire II Gold Edition (190mb)
  7. Assassins Creed Liberation (3.2gb)
  8. Assassin's Creed III: Liberation HD (1.5gb)
  9. Aladdin in Nasira's Revenge (85mb)
  10. Age of Wonders III (1.2gb)
  11. Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood (2.8gb)
  12. Age of Mythology Gold Edition (894mb)
  13. Avatar The Last Airbender (109mb)
  14. All Zombie Must Die (240mb)
  15. Aarklash Legacy (1.5gb)
  16. Alien Rage Unlimited (1.8gb)
  17. Amnesia The Dark Descent (978mb)
  18. Age Of Empire III Complete Collection (2.5gb) 
  19. Alan Wake's American Nightmare (1.8gb)
  20. Assassin's Creed II (3.3gb)
  21. Airborne Troops Countdown To D-Day (395mb)
  22. Arma Tactics (330mb)
  23. Afterfall Reconquest Episode 1 Full Version (2gb)
  24. Assassin's Creed: Rogue  (5.4gb)
  25. Assassin"s Creed III (5.3gb)
  26. Alphadia Genesis (222mb)
  27. Assassins Creed Chronicles China (1gb)
  1. Bomberic 2 (32mb)
  2. Bleach RPG (49mb)
  3. Battle Realms Winter Of The Wolf (526mb)
  4. Bloody Roar 2 (20mb)
  5. Brother In Arms(1,2gb)
  6. Billiard Midnight Pool 3d (76mb)
  7. Battle For Troy 2 The Crossy (56MB) 
  8. Battlestrike: Force of Resistance (530mb) 
  9. Black Buccaneer (120mb)
  10. Battle Realms (145mb)
  11. Beast Boxing Turbo (80mb)
  12. Battlefield 2142 (1.3gb)
  13. Bad Boy 2 (160mb)
  14. Bee Movie (255mb)
  15. Bunch Of Heroes (200mb)
  16. Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate (1.8gb)
  17. Battlefield Bad Company 2 (2.4gb)
  18. Bully Scholarship Edition (2.2gb)
  19. Blood Over (143mb)
  20. Bruce Lee Call of the Dragon (73mb)
  21. Beach Volley Hot Sport (180mb)
  22. Bastion Full Version (700mb)
  23. Burnout Paradise – The Ultimate Box (590mb)
  24. Back to Future(374mb)
  25. Battle Metal Street Riot (276mb)
  26. Brothers Tale of Two Sons (519mb)
  27. Bass Pro Shops The Strike (460mb)
  28. Borderlands The Pre Sequel (4.5gb)
  29. Burn Zombie (231mb)
  30. Bloodbath Fight (496mb)
  31. Brother In Arms Road To Hill (574mb)
  32. Batman Vengeance (312mb)
  33. Bus Driver (63mb)
  34. Battle Rage The Robot War (425mb)
  35. BEN 10 (13mb)
  36. BeatBlasters III (158mb)
  37. Beach Soccer Portable (22mb)
  38. Big Rigs Over the Road Racing (192mb)
  39. Bombing Bastards (94mb)
  40. Backyard Baseball (358mb)
  41. Banished (103mb)
  42. Blood Knight (686mb)
  43. Battlefield Vietnam (1.2gb)
  44. Bridge Project (432mb) 
  45. Battlestrike: Shadow of Stanlingrad (1.4gb)
  46. Battle World Kronos (739mb)
  47. Bloodsports TV (1.2gb)
  48. Blue Estate (2.3gb)
  49. Broadsword Age of Chivalry (437mb)
  50. Bladestorm Nightmare (4.1gb)
  51. Badland Game of the Year Edition (200mb)
  52. Brave (873mb)
  53. Barnyard (732mb)
  54. Bomb by Plaza (636mb)

  1. Crash Time 4 : The Syndicate Full Version (425mb)
  2. Crash Time 5 Undercover (428mb)
  3. Championsheep Rally (170mb)
  4. Call Of Duty (425mb) 
  5. Chaos Legion (94mb)
  6. Crash Team Racing (95mb)
  7. Crash Bandicoot 3 Warped (146mb)
  8. Crazy Frog (67mb)
  9. Country Harvest(43mb)
  10. Crime Life Gang War (700mb)
  11. Command Conquer Generals (180mb) 
  12. Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfar (95mb) 
  13. Counter Strike: Condition Zero (432mb) 
  14. Chantelise (190mb)
  15. Chrome SpecForce (289mb)
  16. Crazy Taxi 3 (137mb)
  17. Crayon Physics Deluxe (30mb)
  18. Crash Day (490mb)
  19. Crash Time 5 Undercover Full Version (1.7gb)
  20. Cristiano Ronaldo Freestyle Soccer (164mb)
  21. Conflict Desert Storm 2 (110mb)
  22. Command and Conquer Red Alert 2 (150mb)
  23. Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun (101mb) 
  24. Castlestorm (200mb)
  25. Collin McRae Rally Remastered (133mb)
  26. Corvette (530mb)
  27. Costume Quest 2 (1gb)
  28. Cities In Motion (247mb)
  29. Code Honor The French Foreign Legion (582mb)
  30. Construction Simulator 2015 (938) 
  31. Cold Zero (170mb)
  32. Crash Time 2 (572mb)
  33. CivCity Rome (270mb)
  34. Chronostorm (342mb) 
  35. Crash time 3 (260mb)
  36. Connstruction Simulator 2015 (938mb)
  37. Conflict Global Terror (524mb)
  38. ColdFear (235mb)
  39. Cabela's Big Game Hunter Pro Hunts (3.6gb)
  40. Crash Bandicoot wrath of cortex Portable (410mb)
  41. Clash of Puppet (418mb)
  42. Crash Nitro Kart Portable (119mb)
  43. Croixleur (128mb)
  44. Chernobyl Underground (885mb)
  45. Castle Of Illusion Starring Mickey (820mb)
  46. Craft The World (138mb)
  47. Car Simulator 3D (42mb)
  48. Caribbean (685mb)
  49. Chaos Faction 2 (12mb)
  50. Cars 2: The Video Game (968mb)
  51. Crash Bash Tanpa Emulator (76mb)
  52. Cooking Academy 2 World Cuisine (85mb)
  53. Crystal Story II (105mb)
  54. Cities Skylines (1.2gb)
  55. Color Guardians (593mb)
  56. Carnivores Dinosaur Hunter Reborn (600mb)
  57. Command And Conquer 3 Kane's Wrath (1.6gb)
  58. Crysis 3 Digital Deluxe Edition (6.8gb)
  59. Call of Juarez Gunslinger (2.1gb)
  60. Constantin (477mb)
  61. Call Of Duty 2 (1.5gb)

  1. Day Of Zombie (127mb)
  2. Dead Or Alive 2 (242mb)
  3. Downhill (6mb)
  4. Driver Pc Portable (20mb) 
  5. Deadly Race (43mb) 
  6. Death to spies The Moment of Truth (380mb)
  7. Deep Sea Tycoon 2 (39mb)
  8. Dota 2 Full Version Update Auto (2.9gb)
  9. Delta Force Black Hawk Down (400mb)
  10. Dora Lost And Found Adventure (30mb)
  11. Dynasty Warriors 8: Xtreme Legends (4.7gb)
  12. Ducati World (50mb)
  13. Dark Souls Prepare to Die (2.3gb)
  14. Devil May Cry 5 Repack (5.6gb)
  15. Devil May Cry 4 Repack (2.7gb)
  16. Dreadout Full Version (1.5gb)
  17. Dynasty Warriors 4 (700mb)
  18. DDD Pool (11mb)
  19. Dead Rising 2 (6.3gb) 
  20. Dead Horde (246mb)
  21. Depth (1gb)
  22. Dragon Nest Offline (210mb) 
  23. Drive3r (408mb)
  24. Digimon Mugen (140mb)
  25. Depth Hunter 2 Deep Dive (568mb)
  26. Dark Souls 2 [Update 6 + DLC] PC RePack R.G. Mechanics (5.1gb)
  27. Dragon balll AF Mugen (241mb)
  28. Din's Curse-Demon War (192mb)
  29. Dead Effect (1.5gb)
  30. Dirt ShowDown (1.4gb) 
  31. Decay The Mare (970mb)
  32. Dragon Ball Xenoverse (5.4gb)
  33. Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires (5.3gb)
  34. Dead or Alive 5: Last Round (6.3gb)
  35. Dead or Alive 5: Last Round Repack Black box (4.8gb)
  36. Devil May Cry 4 (2.7gb)
  37. Dying Light (9.2gb) 
  38. D4 Dark Dreams Don't Die Season One (5.4gb)
  39. Dead Island Riptide (2.4gb)
  40. Dodgers (812mb)
  41. Dragon Ball VS Street Fighter III (335mb) 
  42. Dynasty Warrior 6 (900mb)
  43. Dark Void (2.3gb)

  1. Escape Paradise City (287mb)
  2. Euro Truck Simulator 2 (560mb)
  3. Empire earth 2 (253mb)
  4. Escape Dead Island Highly Compressed (2.7gb) 
  5. Enforcer Police Crime Action (733mb)
  6. Evil Dead (117mb)
  7. Elemental Battle Academy + Full Patch Update (170mb)
  8. Exodus Wars Fractured Empire (870mb)
  9. Extreme Roads USA (700mb)
  10. Echo Prime Final (370mb)
  11. E’s Laf (240mb)
  12. EL Matador (570mb)
  13. Executive Assault (757mb)

  1. Freedom Fighter (181mb) 
  2. F1 2013 (4.5gb) 
  3. FlatOut 2 (700mb)
  4. Foreign Legion Multi Massacre (80mb)
  5. Foreign Legion Buckets of Blood (40mb)
  6. Final Exam (955mb)
  7. F1 Racing Champion (511mb)
  8. Final Drive (16mb)
  9. Fantastic 4 (236mb)
  10. Fieldrunners 2 (375mb)
  11. Farm Simulator (505mb)
  12. Far Cry 3 (4.5gb)
  13. Fate of The Dragon (46mb)
  14. Final Fantasy III (490mb)
  15. Final Fantasy IV (650mb)
  16. F1 2014 (2.6gb)
  17. Final Fantasy XIII Highly Compresssed (3.7gb)
  18. Fire Forget Final Assault (118mb)
  19. Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon (3gb)
  20. Fate Cursed King (385mb) 
  21. Falling Skies The Game CODEX (3.4gb)
  22. Flyhunter Origins (658mb)
  23. Far Cry 2 (2.3gb)
  24. Fable Anniversary (3.2gb)
  25. Fate 3 The Traitor Soul Offline (295mb)
  26. FIFA 2007 (700mb)
  27. Fate Undiscovered Realms (280mb)
  28. Fifa 09 (700mb)
  29. Farm Machines Championships 2014 (807mb)
  30. FootLOL 2013: Epic Fail League (33mb)
  31. Far Cry 1 (1.6gb) 
  32. Five Night at Freddys (219mb) 
  33. Five Night at Freddys 2 (215mb)
  34. Five Night at Freddys 3 (113mb)
  35. Farm Mechanic Simulator 2015 (854mb)
  36. Farm Craft 2 (150mb)
  37. Flappy Bird (6mb)
  38. Fairy Fencer F (2.2gb)

  1. Get Amped (35mb)
  2. GTA Vice City (241mb)
  3. GTA 3 (129mb) 
  4. Guerrilla Bob (45mb) 
  5. GTA San Andreas (685mb)
  6. Gt-R 400 Highly Compressed (26mb)
  7. Great Little War (90mb)
  8. Garfield Kart (190mb)
  9. God Of War 2 (190mb)
  10. God of War 1 (142mb)
  11. Garden Defense (56mb)
  12. GTA IV Highly Compressed (4.4gb)
  13. Gun (269mb)
  14. Goat Simulation (600mb)
  15. G-Force (705mb)
  16. Garshasp Temple of The Dragon (958mb)
  17. Ghostbusters Sanctum Of Slime (208mb)
  18. GTA Vice City (700mb)
  19. Guitar Hero Worl Tour (6.1gb)
  20. God Of Blades HD (155mb)
  21. Gundam Seed Destiny Cloning (106mb)
  22. Grow Home (498)
  23. Ghost Recon Future Soldier (5.6gb)
  24. Gurumin: A Monstrous Adventure (1gb)
  25. Go Home Dinosaurs (328mb)
  26. Grand Theft Auto V (GTA 5) Repack Fitgirl (33gb)
  27. Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus R (1.1gb)
  28. Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories (419mb)
  29. GTA San Andreas Snow (795mb)
  30. God Mode (1.3gb)
  31. GTA San Andreas New Extreme Edition (712mb)

  1. Hacker Evolution (76mb) 
  2. Halo Combat Evolved (596mb)
  3. Harvest Moon Psx for Pc (40mb)
  4. Harvest moon Ps2 for Pc (45mb)
  5. Harvest dan Pokemon nin64 for Pc (20mb)
  6. Hitman 4 Blood Money (270mb)
  7. Hinokakera Fragment (528mb)
  8. Harvest Moon Magical Melody 3D (50mb)
  9. Heavy Fire Shattered Spear (277mb)
  10. Halo Spartan Assault (460mb)
  11. How To Survive (622mb)
  12. Homefront Ultimate Edition (3gb)
  13. Hidden and Dangerous Deluxe (260mb)
  14. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (145mb)
  15. Hydro Thunder (58mb)
  16. Hitman Codename (130mb)
  17. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (416mb)
  18. Heldric - The Legend of the Shoemaker (176mb)
  19. Hitman 2 (183mb)
  20. Hot Wheels (413mb)
  21. Harry Potter 3 Quidditch World Cup (240mb)
  22. Hitman 3 Contract (659mb)
  23. Happy Chef (70mb)
  24. Hot Wheels Velocity X (250mb)
  25. Harley Davidson Race Around The World (44mb)
  26. Helicopter Simulator 2014 (968mb)
  27. Hand of Fate (1.8gb)
  28. Halo Spartan Strike (992mb)
  29. Helicopter 2015 Natural Disasters (680mb)
  30. Hush (636mb)

  1. Insaniquarium (9mb)
  2. International VolleyBall 2009 (185mb)
  3. Iron Man (146mb)
  4. Iron Grip Warlord Winter (240mb)
  5. Jaws (225mb)
  6. I.G.I 2 Covert Strike (176mb)
  7. Ignite (290mb)
  8. International Tennis Pro (180mb)
  9. IGI (64mb)
  10. Interstellar marines (190mb)
  11. Iron Storm (716mb)
  12. Industry Empire (582mb)
  13. I Am Weapon (217mb)
  14. Idol Hands (411mb)
  15. I am Bread (978mb)
  16. I Gladiator (1.6gb)
  17. Iron Brigade (2.3gb)
  18. Infinite Stratos Versus Colors (138mb)
  19. Infinifactory (809mb)

  1. Juiced (260mb)
  2. Jimmy Neutron Adventure (73mb)
  3. Jurassic Park - Operation Genesis (77mb)
  4. Just Cause 2 (1.3gb)
  5. Just Cause (500mb)
  6. James Bond 007 Nightfire (459mb)
  7. Jagged Alliance Crossfire (492mb)
  8. Joe Dever's Lone Wolf HD Remaster Code (1.6gb)
  9. James Cameron's Avatar The Game (3.6gb)
  10. Joe Danger 2 (875mb)
  11. Joes Diner (720mb)

  1. KKND 2 - Krossfire (40mb)
  2. Kung Fu Strike The Warriors Rise (110mb)
  3. Kick Ass 2 (760mb)
  4. King Of The Fighters XII (430mb) 
  5. Kumpulan Game Iso PSP + Emulator (all games)
  6. Kumpulan Game Iso / Cso PSP Part 1
  7. Kumpulan Game Iso / Cso PSP Part 2
  8. Kumpulan Game Iso / Cso PSP Part 3
  9. Kumpulan Game Iso / Cso PSP Part 4
  10. Kumpulan Game Iso / Cso PSP Part 5
  11. Kumpulan Game Iso Ps 2 (all games)
  12. Kumpulan Game Iso Ps 1 (all games)
  13. Kumpulan Game  Ps 1 Tanpa Emulator (all games)
  14. Kumpulan Game Ringan (all games)
  15. Kumpulan Game PC Ringan Part 2 (all games)
  16. Kookabonga (310mb)
  17. Karate Panda (46mb)
  18. Kingdom Rush 2 (256mb)
  19. Kerbal Space Program (600mb)
  20. Kawasaki Jet Ski (27mb)
  21. KYN (2gb)
  22. Kidnapped (982mb)

  1. Lego Soccer Mania (101mb)
  2. Land of The Dead Road to Fiddler's Green (108mb)
  3. LA Street Racing (288mb)
  4. Left 4 Dead (1.1gb)
  5. Line of Sight Vietnam (176mb)
  6. Limbo (70mb)
  7. Land 4 Dead 2 (1.6gb)
  8. Lego Racers 2 (180mb)
  9. Last Knight Rogue Rider Edition-PROPHET (684mb)
  10. Lifeless Planet (710mb)
  11. Life Is Strange Episode 1 (1.8gb)
  12. Lucius 2  (2.5gb)
  13. Life Is Strange Episode 2 (3.3gb)
  14. Lili Child of Geos (1.2gb)
  15. Life is Strange Episode 3 (4.8gb)
  16. LEGO Jurassic World (4.9gb)
  17. LEGO Worlds (590mb)
  18. Legends of Aethereus (1.4gb)
  19. Lifeless Planet Premier Edition (772mb)

  1. Marine Sharpshooter 3 (225mb) 
  2. Mafia II highly (4mb) 
  3. Mario nin64 for PC (20mb)
  4. Max & The Magic Marker (74mb)
  5. Mid Night Club 2 (180mb) 
  6. Mini Robot Wars(120mb)
  7. Mythic Blades (80MB) 
  8. Made Man (135mb)
  9. Max Payne (613mb)
  10. Moto GP 3 Full Version (600mb)
  11. Monopoly (20mb)
  12. Max & The Magic Marker (74mb) 
  13. Moto Racer 3 (183mb)
  14. Megaman X8 (183mb)
  15. Miami Vice (180mb)
  16. Mad Riders (370mb)
  17. Motor Racing (24mb)
  18. Minecraft (110mb)
  19. Mountain Bike Adrenaline (480mb)
  20. Mall Tycoon 2 (140mb)
  21. Martial Arts Capoeira (250mb) 
  22. Game (122mb)
  23. MotoGP 2 Portable (220mb)
  24. Midtown Madness (160mb)
  25. MXGP 2014 Full realoded (1.4gb)
  26. Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault (1.3mb)
  27. Meridian New World (1.3gb)
  28. Marine SharpShooter 4 : locked and loaded (514mb)
  29. Moto Racer Collection (1.8gb)
  30. Men of War Vietnam (806mb)
  31. Mates From Present To Pas (359mb)
  32. Manhunt 2 (632mb)
  33. Max The Curse of Brotherhood (1.6gb)
  34. Marlow Briggs And The Mask Of Death (1.7gb)
  35. Madagascar (238mb) 
  36. Moto Racer American Chopper (140mb)
  37. Marvel - Ultimate Alliance (870mb)
  38. MTX Mototrax (261mb)
  39. Mr.Bean (95mb)
  40. Mount and Blade Warband (492mb)
  41. Mofa Race (245mb)
  42. Metal Gear Solid V Ground Zeroes (3gb)
  43. Muffin Knight final (115mb)
  44. Magical Battle Festa (487mb)
  45. Max Payne 3 (10.5gb)
  46. Mechs & Mercs Black Talons (1.7gb)
  47. Mafia II + DLC (2.9gb)
  48. Metal Slug Series (230mb)
  49. Magical Battle Arena NEXT Fantasy World (250mb)
  50. Metal Slug X (57mb)
  51. Mirror's Edge (3.3gb)
  52. Mac Monster Trucks (35mb)
  53. Metro 2033 Special Edition + DLC (6.7gb)
  54. Mini Ninjas (2.6gb)
  55. Mario Forever v5.9 (18mb)
  56. MTB - Free Ride (87mb)
  57. Magic 2015 Garruk's Revenge (1.2gb)
  58. Massive Chalice (948mb)
  59. Mafia 1 (1.4gb)
  60. Moorhuhn Tiger and Chicken (460mb)
  61. Mitsurugi Kamui Hikae (241mb)
  62. MotoGP 2015 (8.3gb)

  1. Need For Speed Underground 2 (180mb) 
  2. Need For Speed Hot Persuit 2 (51mb)
  3. Need For Speed Underground (225mb)
  4. Naruto Clash of Ninja 2 (1,2gb)
  5. Naruto Ultimate Ninja Heroes (190mb)
  6. Naruto Game Pc (308mb)
  7. Naruto Break Down (104MB)
  8. Naruto Shippuden Dragon Blade Chronicles (1,2gb)
  9. Nascar Rumble (46mb)
  10. Need For Speed Most Wanted (669mb)
  11. Need For Speed Carbon(1,3gb)
  12. Neighbours From Hell 2 (170mb)
  13. Nintendo for PC (game ringan) 
  14. NBA Live 2004 (160mb) 
  15. Naruto Ultimate Ninja Strom 3 (6.47gb) 
  16. Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 Mugen (480mb)
  17. Need For Speed: Rivals (3gb)
  18. Naruto Shippūden Ultimate Ninja Impact (548mb)
  19. Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Strom Revolution (6gb)
  20. Need for Speed Most Wanted 2012 (2.4gb)
  21. Ninja Blade (3.7gb)
  22. No man land (147mb)
  23. Neighbours From Hell (91mb)
  24. Ninja Guy (237mb)
  25. Ninja Reflex (169mb)
  26. NASCAR 2014 (1.4gb)
  27. Nascar 2015 (2.4gb)

  1. Onimusha Warlords (588mb)
  2. Operation sandstorm (307mb)
  3. One Finger Deat Punch (136mb)
  4. One Piece Colosseum (268mb)
  5. Offroad Racers (72mb)
  6. OTTTD Deluxe Edition (78mb)
  7. One Piece Triple Duel (73mb)
  8. Orc Attack Flatulent Rebellion (1.5gb)
  9. Ore No Kazuko (104mb)
  10. Onimusha 3 Daemon Siege (744mb)
  11. Orion : Dino Horde (2.6gb)
  12. Ostrich Island (255mb)
  13. Outlast Complete (4.2gb)

  1. PES 2006 (360mb)
  2. PES 2010 (25mb)
  3. Plants Vs Zombie (26mb)
  4. Power Rangers (89mb)
  5. PES 2013 DEMO (475mb)
  6. PES 2013 FULL VERSION (3,7gb) 
  7. Plants vs Zombies 2 full Version (165mb) 
  8. Pyrata Paddle Pop (225mb)
  9. PES 2014 (2.8gb)
  10. Pirates of Caribbean - At World's End (138mb)
  11. Pokemon 3D (4mb)
  12. Plants Vs Zombies 2 Portable (55mb)
  13. Pacman World Rally (196mb)
  14. Pacman World 3 (145mb)
  15. Prince of Persia Warrior Within (290mb)
  16. Paladog (22mb) 
  17. Project Aftermath (185mb)
  18. Pat and Mat (190mb)
  19. Pressure (253) 
  20. Prison Break The Conspiracy (984mb)
  21. PayDay The Heist (1.1gb)
  22. PES 2015 (6.2gb)
  23. PES 2015 Compressed (3.6gb)
  24. Prototype 2 BlackBox (4.5gb)
  25. Police Supercars Racing (66mb)
  26. Penumbra (300mb)
  27. Praetorians (700mb)
  28. Plant Tycoon (28mb)
  29. Prototype 1 (1.8gb)
  30. Project Cars (8.2gb)
  31. Pro Cycling Manager 2015 (4gb)

  1. Quake 4 (2gb) 

  1. Resident Evil 5 (5gb)
  2. Running Sheep (40mb)
  3. Rise of Nations Gold Edition (550mb)
  4. Road Rash (19mb)
  5. Resident Evil 6 (4.4gb)
  6. Real Boxing (641mb)
  7. Rapala Pro Fishing (210mb)
  8. Road Redemption (670mb)
  9. Rush for Berlin Game(300mb)
  10. Robot Arena (44mb)
  11. Race Driver GRID (2.5gb)
  12. Rayman Origins (342mb)
  13. Ratatouille(225mb)
  14. Red Faction 2 (232mb)
  15. Remington Super Slam Hunting Africa 3D (170mb)
  16. Risen (635mb)
  17. Resident Evile 3 (382mb)
  18. Racing Motorama (1gb)
  19. Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City (3.7gb)
  20. Risen 3: Titan Lords (3.1gb)
  21. Rooster Teeth vs Zombies (127mb)
  22. Rooks Keep (1gb)
  23. Resident HD Remasted (5.5gb)
  24. Real Warfare 2 Northern Crusades (1.2gb)
  25. Roadside Assistance Simulator (523mb)
  26. Remember Me (4.3gb)
  27. Raven’s Cry (5.4gb)
  28. Resident Evil Revelations (2gb)
  29. Rise of Nations : Extended edition (1.2gb)
  30. Resident Evil Revelations 2 Episode 1 (2.4gb)
  31. Republique Remastered (2.5gb) 
  32. Rollercoaster Tycoon 3 Platinum (540mb)
  33. Rollcage (29mb)
  34. RESCUE 2 Everyday Heroes (752mb)
  35. Racers Islands (112mb)

  1. Shingeki no Kyojin (13mb)  
  2. Samurai Vengeance II (32mb)
  3. Scooby Doo First Frights (362)
  4. Shaun The Sheep (16mb)
  5. Spider Man 2 (86mb)
  6. Spiderman (158mb)
  7. Sonic Riders (258mb)
  8. Super Motocross Afrika (84)
  9. Super Shoot Soccer (60mb)
  10. Sonic Heroes (220mb) 
  11. SFG Soccer (33mb) 
  12. Stronghold Crusader Extreme (163mb)
  13. Subway Surfers (20mb)
  14. Scooter (140mb)
  15. Spiderman The Amazing (150mb)
  16. Swords & Soldiers (50mb)
  17. Stronghold 2 (230mb)
  18. Spiderman Web of Shadow (1gb)
  19. Star Wars Battlefront II (338mb)
  20. Super Mario Forever (71mb)
  21. Samurai Warriors 2 (550mb)
  22. Spiderman Ultimate (87mb) 
  23. Sniper Elite 3 Afrika Repack (3.6gb)
  24. Sheep Dog N Wolf (183mb)
  25. Slender - The Eight Pages (49mb)
  26. Shade Wrath Of Angels (193mb)
  27. Sleeping Dogs (6.4gb)
  28. Swashbucklers (461mb)
  29. State of Decay (1.5gb)
  30. SmackDown VS RAW 2012 (611mb)
  31. Samurai Warriors Orochi (918mb)
  32. Smackdown vs RAW 2007 Full Version(794mb)
  33. Splat Magazine Renegade Paintball (192mb)
  34. Stronghold Crusader 2 (2.4gb)
  35. Shrek 2 (176mb)
  36. Sid Meiers Civilization Beyond Earth (2.8gb)
  37. Sniper Elite (680mb)
  38. Spintires (570mb)
  39. Sherlock Holmes The Awakened Remastered (588mb)
  40. Severance Blade Of Darknes (376mb)
  41. Shadowgrounds Survivor (395mb)\
  42. Spiderman (4.3gb)
  43. Second Sight (407mb)
  44. Sneaky Sneaky (35mb)
  45. Sniper The Manhunter (743mb)
  46. Soldier Elite (434mb)
  47. Splinter Cell : Chaos Therory (690mb)
  48. Super Bike (39mb)
  49. SunAge: Battle for Elysium CODEX (686mb)
  50. Stronghold Legends (1.5gb)
  51. Saints Row The Third Full Package (6.5gb)
  52. Saints Row IV BlackBox (5.5gb)
  53. Space Engineers (382mb)
  54. Street Tennis (26mb)
  55. Saints Row Gat Out of The Hell (5.1gb)
  56. Sniper: Ghost Warrior (944mb) 
  57. Sky Gamblers Storm Raiders (645mb)
  58. Stranded Deep (151mb)
  59. Section 8: Prejudice (4.7gb)
  60. SWAT 4 (1gb)
  61. Sacred Citadel (440mb)
  62. Stronghold 3 Gold Edition (4.7gb)
  63. SickBrick (440mb)
  64. Shoot n Scroll 3D (54mb)
  65. Soldiers Heroes Of World War II (1.4gb)
  66. Stronghold Crusader 2 The Princess and The Pig (2.8gb)
  67. Sniper Elite Nazy Zombie Army (2.9gb)
  68. Scooby Doo and Looney Tunes (332mb)
  69. Spongebob SquarePants (410mb)
  70. State of Decay Year One (2.8gb)
  71. Sky Force Anniversary (330mb)
  72. Simulasi Membangun Kota (47mb)
  73. Shrek 2 Team Action (325mb)
  74. Sylvio (1.2gb)
  75. Star Hammer The Vanguard Prophecy (388mb)
  76. Stronghold 3 (1.7gb)
  77. Sniper Elite V2 (1.5gb)
  78. Spellcrafter (442mb)
  79. Sniper Ghost Warrior Gold Edition (1.5gb)

  1. Tekken 3 (29mb)
  2. Tekken 5 Tag Turnament (70mb) 
  3. TMNT 2 Battle Nexus (92mb)
  4. Tom And Jerry in Fists of Furry (9mb)
  5. Toy Story 2 PC (43mb)
  6. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle (106mb)
  7. The Sims (180mb) 
  8. Transformer Game (210mb)  
  9. The Ice Age 2 (182mb) 
  10. Tony Hawk American Wasteland (236mb)
  11. The Sims 2 (375mb)
  12. The Lord of the Rings (325mb)
  13. Team Buddies (250mb)
  14. Th3 Plan (105mb)
  15. Terrorist Takedown War In Colombia (428mb)
  16. The Incredible Hulk (230mb)
  17. The Suffering (250mb)
  18. The Sims 2 Full Pc (2.4gb)
  19. The Sims 4 Deluxe Edition (6gb)
  20. Tomb Raider Anniversary (698mb)
  21. Titanfall (7.6gb)
  22. Tony Hawks Pro Skater 4 (160mb) 
  23. Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow (360mb)
  24. Tony Hawks Pro Skater 3 (120mb) 
  25. The Simpsons Hit And Run (180mb)
  26. Total Overdose: A Gunslinger's Tale in Mexico (470mb)
  27. The Hell in Vietnam (520mb)
  28. Toon Car Game (220mb) 
  29. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Out of the Shadows (700mb)
  30. Taz Wanted (160mb)
  31. Thief Deadly Shadow (1.9gb)
  32. Truck Racer (270mb)
  33. Tiny Troopers (80mb)
  34. Toy Story 3 (589mb)
  35. The Island Castaway 2 (158mb)
  36. The Legend of Korra-FLT (1.6gb)
  37. The Godfather Highly Compressed (498mb)
  38. Trapped dead (391mb)
  39. The Asskickers (78mb)
  40. The Haunted Hells Reach (1.9gb)
  41. Tales From The Borderland (1.7gb)
  42. The Binding of Isaac Rebirth (309mb)
  43. Test Drive Unlimited (2.3gb)
  44. The Mummy (160mb)
  45. Tarzan (39mb)
  46. Tommy Tronic (50mb)
  47. Taxi 3 Extreme Rush (144mb)
  48. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Legendary Edition (8.3gb)
  49. The Kreed (285mb)
  50. The Cursed Crusade (1.4gb)
  51. Tecno the base (186mb)
  52. Tomb Raider 2013 (6.5gb) 
  53. The UnderGarden (280mb)
  54. Takedown Red Sabre (1.9gb)
  55. The Forest Full Version Alpha.v0.1.0 (602mb)
  56. Toy Defense 2 (92mb) 
  57. Tropico 5 (2.2gb)
  58. The Wall Medieval Heroes (82mb)
  59. Timeshift Full Version (2.8gb)
  60. The Incredibles Rise Of The Underminer (1.3gb)
  61. Transformers Rise of the Dark Spark (5.7gb)
  62. The Golf Club Collectors Edition (1.8gb)
  63. Truck Mechanic Simulator 2015 (814mb)
  64. Toren (1.2gb)
  65. True Crime New York City (1.8gb)
  66. The Witcher Adventure Game (617mb)
  67. The Legend of Heroes Trails in the Sky (1.6gb)
  68. Tiny Brains (1.1gb)
  69. Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Double Agent (2.7gb)
  70. The Godfather 2 (3.8gb)
  71. Toukiden Kiwami (5.5gb)
  72. The Amber Throne (1gb)
  73. The Witcher 2: Complete Edition (9.3gb)
  74. The Last Remnant Repack (3.7gb)
  75. Test Drive Unlimited 2 : Complete Edition (5.4gb)

  1. Urban Freestyle Soccer (195mb)
  2. UP Disney Pixar's (120mb)
  3. Undertown (200mb)
  4. Urban Trial Freestyle (240mb) 

  1. Virtua Cop 2 (10mb)
  2. Virtua Tennis (40mb)
  3. Valkyria Chronicles (1.3gb)
  4. Viking Battle for Asgard (1.4gb)
  5. Victor Vran (3.4gb)

  1. Who wants to be a Millionare (0,5mb)
  2. Worm 3D (80mb)
  3. Woody Wood Packer Racing (12mb)
  4. Winning Eleven 9 (950mb) 
  5. Worm Armagedon (150mb)
  6. Walt Disney World Quest Magical Racing Tour (78mb)
  7. Worm 4 Mayhem (140mb)
  8. World War II Combat Road to Berlin (105mb)
  9. Watch Dogs (13gb) 
  10. Warmonger (470mb)
  11. WRC FIA World Rally Championship 4 (2.8gb)
  12. Wrack – POSTMORTEM (815mb)
  13. Wasteland 2 (2.5gb)
  14. World War 2 Prisoner of War (430mb)
  15. Wooden Sen'Sey (149mb)
  16. Woolfe The Red Hood Diaries (1.8gb)
  17. Waterpark Tycoon (192mb)
  18. WWE 2K15 (13gb)
  19. Wild Frontera (283mb)
  20. Wickland (764mb)
  21. Witches Heroes and Magic (1gb)
  22. Wall-E Highly Compressed (108mb)
  23. Way of the Samurai 4 (2gb)
  24. WWE 2K15 Black Box (8.3gb)

  1. X-Men The Official (192mb)
  2. X-Blades (687mb)

  1. Yatagarasu (214mb)
  2. Yu Gi Oh Power Of Chaos (371mb)
  3. Ys The Oath In Felghana (1.1gb)
  4. Yasai Ninja (400mb)

  1. Zombie Revenge (184mb)
  2. Ziggurat Early Acces (276mb)
  3. Zero Action (459mb)